He is reknowned for treating every interview like a Le Chiffre interrogation - but thankfully I've left my knotted rope behind. The Daniel Craig I meet in Claridge's is funny, self-deprecating and clearly relishing the chance to chat about cowboys, aliens and everything in between. Here he gives GQ.com his advice on how to pick the perfect off-the-peg suit, prepare a great margarita and reveals who would be his Man Of The Year.

GQ.com: You once described yourself as a "suit snob". What do you like about Brunello Cucinelli suits?
Daniel Craig: They're so luxurious - they're light, great and seem to fit me. Buying off the peg, it can be a bit difficult to find something that fits you but I put on a Brunello Cucinelli and I didn't have to get it adjusted. It's the same with Tom Ford - if I put on his off the peg, they fit me like a glove. I can't be bothered waiting around for all the tailoring - unless you're getting a suit made.

What do you consider the most stylish film?
Steve McQueen always had it. Look at The Thomas Crown Affair - it's one of the most stylish films there is. Certain movies of the late Sixties are stylish [because] suits were worn by everybody. It's not so much that way anymore. Suits are looked at more now as a business thing which is kind of a shame. If you're not wearing it just for work, you should try and trick it up a bit. [indicates GQ.com's Thom Browne tie] You've got a nice thin tie - it doesn't look like you're wearing a business suit. Although you are at work, apparently...

Jon Favreau famously likes AC/DC and always wanted to get Sinatra's music into a film. Which music do you agree on?
I like AC/DC. Come on, everyone loves AC/DC. I like a bit of Sinatra occasionally, for the evening, over a margarita. What have I been listening to recently? A band called Morningwood which I downloaded the other day which I really liked. I always liked Kings of Leon, if they're still together. Anything really - it's awful to say but I have a very eclectic mix on my iPod if you have the balls to put it on shuffle. There's all sorts: Serge Gainsbourg, Aimee Mann and other rougher stuff. Much more rock'n' roll. Honestly!

Noel Gallagher wanted you to play him in a biopic - are you excited about his solo record?
As what [laughs]? What part of his life would I play? If I play him, he can play me. Am I a Liam or a Noel man? I know  Noel better than I know Liam - I suppose I'd have to go for Noel.

You have said in interviews that you tend to be allowed two drinks in a pub before someone starts bothering you. What are those two drinks?
It's a generalised answer - I'm sorry it is one that I give. If I could squeeze in five I will. If I'm in a pub I can drink Guinness.

You once told Sam Taylor-Wood there is "room for craziness" in any director. How did Jon Favreau's craziness manifest itself?
Fun! Apart from being a great director, Jon is actually a very funny actor. We had an immense amount of fun on set. It's important when doing a film like this to have a lightness of touch because you are pulling together an awful lot of things. We're on set with 50 horses and five or six big actors, [so] you need an understanding of human nature. He's got a great sense of fun and he knows when to tell the gag. Did Sam tell you that? [laughs] Did she?!

Olivia Wilde said that you were a great bartender at the cast parties. What's the secret to a good on-set margarita?
I never had them on set. I would have liked to, but I was never allowed. A good margarita is in the lime; it's got to lean towards the sour. Tequila once you mix it into a cocktail could be anything - as long as it's fairly decent it's ok. It's the sourness to sweet ratio that is really important.

Quentin Tarantino is about to make a Spaghetti Western Django Unchained. What advice would you give him?
Probably not going to be very violent is it? [laughs] I don't need to give Quentin Tarantino advice. Jesus! He wouldn't listen anyway. Get it right. Don't be s***. Make a good Western. That would be my advice.

Was being "Mr Marmite" at the Reading Save-a-Centre the worst job you've ever done?
No it wasn't. There are worse. It was one of the worst. What was the worst? Literally shovelling s***.

Having had Paul Newman make dirty jokes on Road to Perditionand Harrison Ford make jokes about your chaps, do you still get star struck?
Yes, of course I do. It's weird, you get star struck around sports stars as well. I think if you lose sight of that you're screwed. It's nice to meet people like Harrison - I've been watching his films for 40 years.

What's the biggest media misconception about you?
That I don't like Marmite? I don't know. There are a lot but I don't give them much thought. I have to be myself

Who would be your Man Of The Year?
F*** I'd wish you'd asked me that earlier. I could have given it some serious thought. I don't know yet. Kenny Dalglish is my Man Of The Year every year. How do I think they'll line up [this season]? There's positive talk about fourth place and Dalglish thinks we can do better than that. I believe him.

Originally published on GQ.co.uk in August 2011. Read the original interview here.